Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thing # 15- Del.i.cious!
I really like the "bookmark" network that is offered through In times past, I have added bookmarks to my toolbar on my personal or work computer and they have somehow been deleted or I never seem to have the ones I am needing on the computer I am working on at the time. This is a great option to have all your bookmarks saved to one place without worrying about which computer you are logged onto. BRILLIANT! I could also see the benefits of using this with students for a research project. Students could access the various links through "bookmarks" that are saved rather than having to type in the links. I do a lot of webquests in my Science class and it sometimes delays the lessons if the student has to type in the link themselves. I use our librarian often to post certain webpages to the School website, but this is just another way to access certain information. It would also be extremely useful to show the students how to use because they can create their own bookmarks for websites they are using for research and then go back and have all the information to make sure it is cited properly!
How Delicious!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thing #9 - Playing in the sandbox
When I went through and set up my own page from the Wiki Sandbox, I remember it gave me a lot of trouble. I was beginning to get frustrated because I catch on so quickly to learning new things, but this time proved more difficult. I was forced to sit down and read and re-read the instructions. It was only after I viewed some other pages that I was able to decipher how to go in and edit my own page. Once the editing began though, I was more than excited to add the photos of all my favorite things. We all love to talk about ourselves, right!?? Just kidding, but it was fun to have a personal page to show people a bit of my personality and things I enjoy in life! Learning is always better when it can be relaxing and fun!
Check out my page...
Check out my page...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
FInal Thoughts
What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I enjoyed learning the widgets and fun tools to add to blogs to make it more customizable. As far as staying organized, personally and professionally, I liked the tools that Google had to offer under their templates. There were some good templates for creating a resume or planning a monthly budget that could be useful.
How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals? I always want to stay current on the new "internet trends". I want to make sure that I am connected to the latest technology so I don't miss out on new opportunities.
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I was surprised at how easy it is to blog. I have never had a good impression of blogging and always thought it was a way for "unhappy people to vent". But it was interesting to see how useful blogging can be, personally or in the classroom, because it connects you to so many other networks. It can be a personal page of enjoyment, or blogging can a purpose to share ideas or stay engaged with current networks.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? Sometimes the directions weren't always clear or easy to understand or locate. Since there is no face to face communication it was difficult to get started but then the real journey began...and it was so much fun!!!
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? Of course!
How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher or school librarian? I look forward to trying to incorporate blogs or a Ning Network into my classroom at some point! There was also a website that I was introduced to, Animoto, that I am now obsessed with and look forward to creating more projects!
How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful I want to make sure that my blog stays current and that I am always updating myself on new technology vocabulary...I continue to hear the word "moodle" and now need to go familiarize myself with how I could use a moodle in the classroom!
=) thank you so much! I learned a lot and it was a fun journey down technology lane.
How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals? I always want to stay current on the new "internet trends". I want to make sure that I am connected to the latest technology so I don't miss out on new opportunities.
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I was surprised at how easy it is to blog. I have never had a good impression of blogging and always thought it was a way for "unhappy people to vent". But it was interesting to see how useful blogging can be, personally or in the classroom, because it connects you to so many other networks. It can be a personal page of enjoyment, or blogging can a purpose to share ideas or stay engaged with current networks.
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? Sometimes the directions weren't always clear or easy to understand or locate. Since there is no face to face communication it was difficult to get started but then the real journey began...and it was so much fun!!!
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? Of course!
How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher or school librarian? I look forward to trying to incorporate blogs or a Ning Network into my classroom at some point! There was also a website that I was introduced to, Animoto, that I am now obsessed with and look forward to creating more projects!
How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful I want to make sure that my blog stays current and that I am always updating myself on new technology vocabulary...I continue to hear the word "moodle" and now need to go familiarize myself with how I could use a moodle in the classroom!
=) thank you so much! I learned a lot and it was a fun journey down technology lane.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Thing #23- ahhhh
What were your overall impressions? I am not a fan of the Classroom 2.0 or of any of the Ning Networks. It was fun, however, to join the MISD 23 Things Ning Network, but the overall layout of both was not always user friendly. I would like to think of myself as more tech savvy than most, but I found it difficult to go through and search any of the forums and find one of particular interest. Maybe it was because it was missing all the "flash" and "bedazzle" that some of the other social networks offer, but it appeared boring and unexciting to go through and find new information.
Did you find any discussions or resources of value? I went through and searched some of the forums related to science, since that is my content area, but I was shocked to see how little networks there were considering how the internet can reach millions.
Do you have any ideas for using social networking in your own professional or personal learning, or in classroom learning? I would be more interested to see how I might be able to use the Ning network, similar to what MISD set up for my students to follow. I am still unsure how the "acceptable use" policies would come into play and how protected my students would be from advertisements, etc. I do think professionally, it would be a fun way to network through departments on campus or district wide. It may be a quicker way to share ideas than emailing!??! Regardless, it connects you to people that you may have otherwise not communicated with!
Did you find any discussions or resources of value? I went through and searched some of the forums related to science, since that is my content area, but I was shocked to see how little networks there were considering how the internet can reach millions.
Do you have any ideas for using social networking in your own professional or personal learning, or in classroom learning? I would be more interested to see how I might be able to use the Ning network, similar to what MISD set up for my students to follow. I am still unsure how the "acceptable use" policies would come into play and how protected my students would be from advertisements, etc. I do think professionally, it would be a fun way to network through departments on campus or district wide. It may be a quicker way to share ideas than emailing!??! Regardless, it connects you to people that you may have otherwise not communicated with!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Thing # 22- Social Networking
1. Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? I think social networks are important for educators because we can be "in the know" about what our kids are saying, looking at, or portraying. Some of my students have Myspace pages that list them in their 20's when in reality, they are 13 or 14. It is very sad to see, but it can open up our eyes to the problems our students are facing. I always try to teach life lessons, as well, and their have been times when parents have to get involved because sometimes they have no idea.
2. What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? These sites are great ways to reconnect with old friends, share pictures or catch up with people all around the world! Some of my best friends currently, are ones that I found years after highschool on Myspace. There are ways to secure your "pages" so that only certain people can see and your information isn't out there for everyone to know!
3. What did you like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? I prefer Facebook a lot more now and have realized that Myspace is more for the younger crowd. I am seeing more and more older adults using Facebook. My dad is on Facebook for goodness sakes!!! haha Facebook is also a GREAT way to use for free advertising, whether it is an individual starting up a new business, or a huge company trying to get ad space.
4. Which site had the most useful features? I have seen commercial ads, even, on prime time giving their Facebook link at the bottom of the ad. Myspace is more creative as far as getting to change your page backgroud, add music, and post pictures in more creative formats. Facebook does have networks though that will keep you linked to certain groups and it allows a more user friendly messaging and "invite" system to a number of individuals.
5.Can you see an educational application for any of these sites? Unless there was a group page for students to access, it would be hard to restrict certain aspects of either site that may not be school appropriate.
2. What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? These sites are great ways to reconnect with old friends, share pictures or catch up with people all around the world! Some of my best friends currently, are ones that I found years after highschool on Myspace. There are ways to secure your "pages" so that only certain people can see and your information isn't out there for everyone to know!
3. What did you like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? I prefer Facebook a lot more now and have realized that Myspace is more for the younger crowd. I am seeing more and more older adults using Facebook. My dad is on Facebook for goodness sakes!!! haha Facebook is also a GREAT way to use for free advertising, whether it is an individual starting up a new business, or a huge company trying to get ad space.
4. Which site had the most useful features? I have seen commercial ads, even, on prime time giving their Facebook link at the bottom of the ad. Myspace is more creative as far as getting to change your page backgroud, add music, and post pictures in more creative formats. Facebook does have networks though that will keep you linked to certain groups and it allows a more user friendly messaging and "invite" system to a number of individuals.
5.Can you see an educational application for any of these sites? Unless there was a group page for students to access, it would be hard to restrict certain aspects of either site that may not be school appropriate.
Thing #7b
I found this interesting in my Google mentions information that is very similar to the class we are going through now. Technology is now just a part of life. As part of lifelong learners, our professional development should be focused around learning new technology tools to help us in the classroom and in our everyday lives. We are surrounded by technology everywhere we go. We must always be learning how to implement this new technology so that we can work and learn more efficiently. Our students are more up to date on the current technology than we are and it is a great way to keep them learning through a more engaged means than reading out of a textbook.
I liked how the author compared the different lifelong learning approaches with the current tools that we have online. These tools can be so useful, and once we learn how to use them to their full efficiency, we can create great things, all while saving time!
Thing # 21- Google's wonders
When I looked at the other options Google has I didn't realize that I had been using some of them already, professionally and personally. I use Google books a lot when I am researching for a class or looking up information for particular lessons. It has be extremely useful for my research classes because I don't have to go buy the book but I can still view and see the full text of information in case I want to cite later. I think Google Books is definitely a useful tool in and out of the classroom!
I also use Google Earth. It is usually more just for fun, so I can look at where certain locations are, or if I am trying to find directions somewhere. The kids really seem to enjoy using Google Earth as well!
I'm familiar with Google Alerts, but it is not something I have used very often. I could see how this would be useful, in the classroom, when studying a particular topic or current event. The kids could be able to read about up to date information and research without going out and searching for it on their own!
I also thought it was fun to see that Google has a Sketch up program. I used AutoCad in college for my Interior Design Degree. Some of the computer programs can be very expensive, so it is nice to see that there are other means to still computer draft architectural sketches, without paying the expensive prices for the software.
I also use Google Earth. It is usually more just for fun, so I can look at where certain locations are, or if I am trying to find directions somewhere. The kids really seem to enjoy using Google Earth as well!
I'm familiar with Google Alerts, but it is not something I have used very often. I could see how this would be useful, in the classroom, when studying a particular topic or current event. The kids could be able to read about up to date information and research without going out and searching for it on their own!
I also thought it was fun to see that Google has a Sketch up program. I used AutoCad in college for my Interior Design Degree. Some of the computer programs can be very expensive, so it is nice to see that there are other means to still computer draft architectural sketches, without paying the expensive prices for the software.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thing #20- My new love
I think I just found something that I have heard about for a while and am now obsessed with! Google Docs has always been a great way to share information with colleagues. This can be used personally and professionally, when you are trying to upload information that multiple sources can obtain. It would be beneficial in instances where you have created many different types of documents, but are not sure what everyone will want to access. This way you can upload it all, and then they can pick and choose what they want to download. It is important though to make sure the appropriate people have access.
My favorite part of google docs, though, are the templates! I love using things that others have already created and done all the work for me! Then all I have to do is go back in and manipulate for my own needs. Google Docs has two templates that seem particularly useful and I am excited about using. One is the budget template where you can plug in all your expenses and the other would be a monthly calendar. I am always sending out calendars to my teachers so they know what lessons are coming up. I also noticed they also had a lot of resume templates that would be great if you were just graduating or wanting to update your resume to look more professional! Love it!
My favorite part of google docs, though, are the templates! I love using things that others have already created and done all the work for me! Then all I have to do is go back in and manipulate for my own needs. Google Docs has two templates that seem particularly useful and I am excited about using. One is the budget template where you can plug in all your expenses and the other would be a monthly calendar. I am always sending out calendars to my teachers so they know what lessons are coming up. I also noticed they also had a lot of resume templates that would be great if you were just graduating or wanting to update your resume to look more professional! Love it!
Thing #19- Voice Thread
The immediate thing that pops in my head about how I would use Voice thread would be to give a set of instructions if there were ever a time where I had a sub, but still needed to give a clear set of directions to my students. It would also be useful, if I had a teacher website and could list comments, suggestions or directions on my website for my students to go and preview on their own time!
Thing # 18- TeacherTube !
I really enjoying using Teacher tube, currently, in my classroom. If I ever need a quick introduction or explanation of a new content and I can't find a video...then I will always go to Teacher Tube. youtube is blocked at our district but I also feel that teachertube has class appropriate videos and I don't have to worry about something coming up that would be innappropriate. I have searched before, for content related videos. For this assignment, however, I searched for videos on Power Teaching. I have been hearing about Power Teaching for some time now and it was interested to watch a video on something that I can learn from, not just my students.
Here is the link for Chris Biffle videos on Power teaching
Here is the link for Chris Biffle videos on Power teaching
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thing #17- Podcasting
I think Podcasts are a great tool for the classroom and sharing ideas with other teachers!
I previewed the following Podcasts : Why? The Science Show for Kids podcast &
60 Second Science
I really enjoyed the 60 second would be a fun introduction to add to my classroom. Even if the videos are not alwyas on topic with my current lesson, they offer
I would definitely use the directories Education Podcast Network & Learn Out Lou...but I am still most comfortable and familiar with iTunes
Our Science Coordinator currently uses Podcasts to post when he is trying to explain a new concept or introduce 6 weeks previews to all the teachers at once. He has also used it to share ideas or explain how to use certain equipment in the classroom.
I think this is a great idea and easy way to share information when teachers are so busy and have trouble all meeting at the same place or time.
iTunes is user friendly and I have enjoyed using it for music purposes to search, download and upload!
I previewed the following Podcasts : Why? The Science Show for Kids podcast &
60 Second Science
I really enjoyed the 60 second would be a fun introduction to add to my classroom. Even if the videos are not alwyas on topic with my current lesson, they offer
I would definitely use the directories Education Podcast Network & Learn Out Lou...but I am still most comfortable and familiar with iTunes
Our Science Coordinator currently uses Podcasts to post when he is trying to explain a new concept or introduce 6 weeks previews to all the teachers at once. He has also used it to share ideas or explain how to use certain equipment in the classroom.
I think this is a great idea and easy way to share information when teachers are so busy and have trouble all meeting at the same place or time.
iTunes is user friendly and I have enjoyed using it for music purposes to search, download and upload!
Thing #16- Library Thing
I really wasn't impressed with the Library Thing website. I was expecting or wanting a better search engine for particular topics...nor was it an outlet to buy book titles like I do like that it had the ability to review books...However, the particular topics I was interested in only showed book title; there had been no book reviews. I don't think I would use this website personally or professionally.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thing #7A- Battle of the Minds
Tiernay Labs mentions that there could be valuable artwork still hidden in the walls of Florence.
Can you imagine what we would do if new artwork was found? He explores what the dialogue would have been between such talented men. "Both artists prepared preliminary sketches for their murals, but only Leonardo actually went into the hall to start work on his, which was “The Battle of Anghiari.” Michelangelo never proceeded in the hall with his plans for “The Battle of Cascina.”
How fun would it be to go back in time and be a fly on the wall =)
Can you imagine what we would do if new artwork was found? He explores what the dialogue would have been between such talented men. "Both artists prepared preliminary sketches for their murals, but only Leonardo actually went into the hall to start work on his, which was “The Battle of Anghiari.” Michelangelo never proceeded in the hall with his plans for “The Battle of Cascina.”
How fun would it be to go back in time and be a fly on the wall =)
Thing #14- TADA- TO DO
I really enjoyed the online To Do List. I wish there was a way to create reminders and possibly email deadlines. I am so forgetful as I add more responsibilities. I feel like my "plate is always full" and my To Do list never seems to get smaller. As soon as I check one thing off, I add 2 more items. The concept of is easy and user-friendly, but I don't know if it's any better than writing it on the old, faithful sticky note.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thing #13- Motivator
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