Tuesday, November 10, 2009

FInal Thoughts

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I enjoyed learning the widgets and fun tools to add to blogs to make it more customizable. As far as staying organized, personally and professionally, I liked the tools that Google had to offer under their templates. There were some good templates for creating a resume or planning a monthly budget that could be useful.

How has this program affected your lifelong learning goals? I always want to stay current on the new "internet trends". I want to make sure that I am connected to the latest technology so I don't miss out on new opportunities.

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I was surprised at how easy it is to blog. I have never had a good impression of blogging and always thought it was a way for "unhappy people to vent". But it was interesting to see how useful blogging can be, personally or in the classroom, because it connects you to so many other networks. It can be a personal page of enjoyment, or blogging can a purpose to share ideas or stay engaged with current networks.

What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? Sometimes the directions weren't always clear or easy to understand or locate. Since there is no face to face communication it was difficult to get started but then the real journey began...and it was so much fun!!!

If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? Of course!

How will what you have learned influence your practice as a teacher or school librarian? I look forward to trying to incorporate blogs or a Ning Network into my classroom at some point! There was also a website that I was introduced to, Animoto, that I am now obsessed with and look forward to creating more projects!

How do you plan to keep up with new developments in web 2.0? Recommend a way that you have found to be useful I want to make sure that my blog stays current and that I am always updating myself on new technology vocabulary...I continue to hear the word "moodle" and now need to go familiarize myself with how I could use a moodle in the classroom!

=) thank you so much! I learned a lot and it was a fun journey down technology lane.

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