Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thing # 22- Social Networking

1. Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? I think social networks are important for educators because we can be "in the know" about what our kids are saying, looking at, or portraying. Some of my students have Myspace pages that list them in their 20's when in reality, they are 13 or 14. It is very sad to see, but it can open up our eyes to the problems our students are facing. I always try to teach life lessons, as well, and their have been times when parents have to get involved because sometimes they have no idea.

2. What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? These sites are great ways to reconnect with old friends, share pictures or catch up with people all around the world! Some of my best friends currently, are ones that I found years after highschool on Myspace. There are ways to secure your "pages" so that only certain people can see and your information isn't out there for everyone to know!

3. What did you like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? I prefer Facebook a lot more now and have realized that Myspace is more for the younger crowd. I am seeing more and more older adults using Facebook. My dad is on Facebook for goodness sakes!!! haha Facebook is also a GREAT way to use for free advertising, whether it is an individual starting up a new business, or a huge company trying to get ad space.

4. Which site had the most useful features? I have seen commercial ads, even, on prime time giving their Facebook link at the bottom of the ad. Myspace is more creative as far as getting to change your page backgroud, add music, and post pictures in more creative formats. Facebook does have networks though that will keep you linked to certain groups and it allows a more user friendly messaging and "invite" system to a number of individuals.

5.Can you see an educational application for any of these sites? Unless there was a group page for students to access, it would be hard to restrict certain aspects of either site that may not be school appropriate.

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